Let’s work together to create a new definition for what it means to be well-connected.

When you think about networking in private practice, do you sometimes get so overwhelmed and anxious that you immediately go into your own personal version of fight, flight, or freeze?

Have you ever found yourself wishing you were more well-connected so that you didn’t have to work so hard to receive referrals for ideal clients to fill your practice?

Or maybe you’ve even told yourself this story:

“I’m not at all like those people I see out there who are very well-connected. Besides, I’m an introvert, so connecting with people in person can be pretty exhausting for me anyway. I’ll just keep working on my website and SEO and hope that online marketing keeps working for me.”

The concept of being well-connected can often conjure up images of those who hold so much privilege that they are unaware of how easy it is for them to build the career of their dreams.

Images may arise of those who never had to work hard to have connections, or those who were “born well-connected” and have no concern for those who struggle to “make it” in the world. We might tell ourselves that it’s just not possible for us to be that well-connected. We might also not want to be associated with a “well-connected” crowd because we worry that being seen as well-connected will make us look lazy, cold-hearted, spoiled, or snobby.

But what if we could work together to create a new definition of what it means to be Well-Connectedone that allows us to focus on strengthening connection within ourselves and to the world around us— so that we can more easily work together to create and sustain the careers and lives that we all truly want to live?

What if, as a result of putting this new perspective into practice, you could become so well-connected that you have your own personal ideal-client-referral-generating machine, allowing you to finally let go of putting so much time and effort into your online marketing?

I truly believe that this is all possible for you, no matter how isolated or disconnected you may currently feel in your private practice. Even if the idea of networking feels awkward or inauthentic to you.

How am I so confident about this? Because I am another introverted therapist who used to avoid networking until I began to discover more authentic ways to connect and build a trusted network with professionals in and outside of the therapy world. .As a result, I was able to successfully fill my private practice long before I even had a website.

And now I’ve created a 1:1 coaching program specifically designed to support introverted therapists like YOU with becoming Well-Connected. I want to help you see just how possible all of this can be for you, too, and in less time than it took me to get here myself!

Enjoy networking & have fun building a strong referral base for your private practice!


The Well-Connected Therapist Coaching program gives you the opportunity to work with me 1:1 and can be tailored to your individual needs.


Hi! I’m Susannah!

Fellow private practice therapist and your guide to becoming more well-connected—with yourself, with the spaces you move through in any given moment, and ultimately, with other professionals who will become your most well-trusted sources for helping you bring in ideal clients.

Private practice can feel isolating at times.

If building your own local network of supportive colleagues and strengthening a referral base that works with more ease is something you are interested in, you’ve come to the right place.

Enhance your business, as well as your connection to yourself and your work, by learning how to become a well-connected therapist, your way.

Contact me for a 30 minute Consultation Call to learn more about working together!