Well-Connected Therapist Coaching

Harness your innate ability to connect with others, beyond the small talk.

Fall in love with networking and build a strong referral base for your practice.

Perhaps this is your experience:

I know I need to network to get more referrals for my ideal clients, but I HATE networking!

Are you someone who finds yourself working really hard on marketing your practice, only to find that even with a beautiful website and marketing materials, something stops when you get to the part where you need to connect with others in person and build actual professional  relationships that result in consistently great referrals?

Are you an introverted person who is drained by networking events or 1:1 networking meetings because you never know exactly how to invite connection with another professional beyond the small talk? Then this program is for YOU, dear therapist.

Welcome to Well-Connected Therapist Coaching!

This program is for you if:

  • You want to be able to make authentic connections and build a referral base.

  • You want focused support with being able to feel steady and grounded before, during, and after interactions with others during the networking process.

  • You want to understand how to enjoy networking!

  • You want to be able to bring your most authentic self to networking situations so that people can really understand who you are, what you offer, and who your right fit clients are.

  • You’ve heard that some therapists, even introverted therapists, have found ways to become well-connected in their field, and you want to know their secrets so that you can do this, too.

So what ARE the secrets to becoming a Well-Connected Therapist, Susannah?

These were not easy for me to discover right away—it took me years of trial and error. There was a lot more involved in connecting with people for me besides just making phone calls, sending out emails, and seeking out networking groups.

At my very core, I am an introvert.

For most of my life, including as a young adult entering the working world, I HATED making phone calls, or even answering the phone. I avoided initiating contact at all costs. It drained the life out of me to even think of saying hello to someone who had no idea who I am.

Through many years of trial-and-error, I eventually realized that the best way to become a Well-Connected Therapist was by applying skills that I also teach my therapy clients (and that you probably teach your own clients as well) about regulating activation in our nervous systems at any given moment. I learned—sometimes the hard way—that in order to truly connect authentically with other people, I had to first learn ways to ground myself in the present moment and feel connected within myself. As an introvert, that often means recognizing and allowing space for alone time where I can take time to quietly process what I receive, and recharge before connecting again with others.

So at this point, you may be thinking…

Ok, but I'm already doing this. I've been to therapy, I prioritize self care. I know I'm worth it. How in the world will this program be any different and actually help me learn to love networking?

Very often, the reason networking feels like such a difficult task is because the messages we receive from the marketing world often lead us to assume a few things:

Assumption #1:

In order to be great at networking, I need to be able to pretend to be a completely extroverted person when connecting with other people.

This is where a lot of us get stuck saying, ‘I’m an introvert, so networking is really hard for me.’ We keep ourselves stuck in this limiting belief because we assume that successful networking means “being on” in ways that can be exhausting for introverts. And so we avoid networking altogether, or sacrifice our own energy by following tips from marketing guides that ask us to “act like an extrovert.” Either way, we end up exhausted, frustrated, and the perspective of “ugh, networking!” continues. When you work with me, I will help you to embrace your introverted superpowers (and recognize what you personally need to consistently manage your energy). As a result, you can enjoy networking much more and easily become the Well-Connected Therapist you are meant to be!

Assumption #2:

The purpose of networking is to fill my practice with ideal clients.

Ok, yes, but where we often get stuck is in the belief that this is the SOLE purpose of networking. While building a referral base and finding and filling your practice with ideal clients is a wonderful benefit to networking with others, it is not the only or even the main reason for networking! The main purpose of networking is to allow you to meet and get to know people who will become your own customized local professional community. When you become more comfortable with networking, you create your own support team for yourself and for your therapy business! Then you can easily reach out to someone you trust when you need extra support with a client in crisis, when you want feedback about business policies, or when you simply want to get some validation from professionals you trust that you are a worthy and needed helping professional. And when you develop these trusting relationships with other professionals in and outside of your field—when they get to know YOU—-guess who will be referring ideal clients to you?

Assumption #3

I have to be prepared with an amazing elevator pitch, a website, a social media presence, and business cards in order to even START networking successfully.

Nope! When I started networking with professionals in a new state, I didn’t have a website. I didn’t have fancy business cards. I wasn’t even clear on my niche! And I still don’t use social media to market my therapy business. All you need is yourself and your curiosity about other people’s stories—as a therapist, you already have that!

When it comes to marketing our practices, so many therapists (especially those of us who are introverted) prioritize putting tons of energy and investing lots of money into ways to market online through great website design and copy. While a great website can open the door to a first meeting, online and print marketing is not what ultimately helps us to sustain meaningful professional relationships. And remember: these meaningful professional relationships, with people who can and will sing your praises all day, allow us to create a referral base that becomes a well-oiled machine, providing you with consistent referrals for your ideal clients for years to come!

Maybe you already have a clear niche, great website copy, wonderfully crafted therapist profiles, an amazing blog, and great posts that attract social media followers. YOU know yourself better than anyone on this planet, and you have been able to create that in your online marketing. But you are still feeling isolated and particularly vulnerable when it comes to even thinking about sharing all of this information with others IRL.

Well-Connected Therapist Coaching is specifically designed to help you strengthen a sense of support within yourself so that you will consistently be able to bring your best friend (YOU!) to any networking event or meeting and rock it as your most authentic self. The structure of the program allows me to tailor it to your specific needs related to becoming a more Well-Connected Therapist.

If this means you want to work on clarifying your niche, niche statement, or elevator pitch and practicing saying these out loud in 1:1 role plays with me, then we will most definitely include that into your coaching program.

If this means you need support from me to facilitate an introduction between you and another wonderful professional, then we will include that as an element in your program as well.

YOU get to decide what you need from me as a coach and customize your program to fit your needs for becoming more well-connected!

By now you may be thinking…

Ok, that's great. But I can already get drained at times by listening to clients all day. How do I make room for taking in MORE people energy by adding in networking meetings and events?

The answer to this may also help you sustain your energy in your practice with your clients!

So many business coaches, including those who focus specifically on networking for introverts, do a great job of naming various step-by-step tasks that we can focus on in order to make great connections with others and build a strong referral base. Some even go as far as helping you to understand that the best kinds of networking situations involve things that often come more naturally to introverted people: preparing and implementing plans for bringing your most authentic self into meetings with others and letting go of the type of transactional networking that lacks depth.

While all of this is very helpful, these methods often neglect one significant element that I have learned it can take to truly ease the stress of networking and building a strong referral base for your private practice. And that significant element is: starting the whole process by focusing on developing a stronger connection within YOURSELF and YOUR ENVIRONMENT. When you start there (with support from me in the form of somatic, nature based, and expressive arts based coaching methods), you can easily practice methods to nurture yourself and manage your own energy before, during, and after any networking opportunity with other people.

When you feel more confidently connected within YOURSELF as well as the spaces you occupy at any given moment, the whole process of connecting with new professionals (both in and outside of your field) will become a much easier process for you.

Yes, even for you, introverted therapist!

When you work with me in this program, I’ll be there right beside you to guide you through this process. During our work together, you’ll begin to recognize yourself as much more well-connected: within yourself, with the  spaces and places you move through each day, and ultimately, with other professionals!

And now you may be wondering…

But Susannah, how can I attend to my own self care DURING an interaction? Wouldn’t that lead to me to become LESS focused on the individual with whom I am interacting?

The truth is that the opposite will happen. When I started intentionally developing and using methods to attend to myself before, during, and after connecting with other professionals in and outside of my career field, I was able to become MORE focused and present during the interaction because I was able to sustain a level of energy that did not cause me high anxiety or drain me to the point of avoidance.

When you sign up for Well-Connected Therapist Coaching, you will receive focused attention and support from me, including 8 weekly 1:1 coaching calls and daily support in-between. I will be your personal guide to help you shift from a place of avoiding networking at all costs to feeling energized and motivated to bring your most authentic self into any networking opportunity, and become the most well-connected therapist you know!

How it works

 I currently have a few spaces open for new

Well-Connected Therapist coaching clients!


One time payment of $3497

or 2 monthly payments of $1750

Your investment includes:

  • 8 weeks of 60-min 1:1 video coaching sessions

  • Weekday access to communication with me via email and/or Loom video between the live coaching calls.

  • A structured weekly plan to help you practice and process tried-and-true methods for networking with ease and building the strong referral base that you have always longed for.

  • Each week in the live coaching sessions, I will work with you to develop personalized tasks that you will commit to practicing between live calls.

  • You will also be given time in the live calls to reflect and learn from the experience of engaging in these tasks.

If you’d like to be considered for one of those spaces, sign up here for your first 30 min consultation call.

Hi! I’m Susannah.

Before I built a referral base “machine” that basically runs itself now, I was a lot like you. I hated and avoided networking. I am, at my very core, an introvert. Like you, I also need a lot of quiet, uninterrupted time to recharge. And in this noisy world we live in, that can sometimes be difficult to figure out how to do on our own.

I’ve been in private practice for 12 years now, and I didn’t have a website until about 3 years ago, when my caseload was already full. Through many years of struggling to market myself, I eventually discovered ways to successfully use networking as my primary marketing method, including how to attend to my needs as an introvert while connecting with others. Now I continue to get ideal client referrals, even when my profile is set to “not accepting new clients at this time.” Networking is easy and fun for me now! And because it took me SO long to figure out how to network in a way that now feels fun and easy, I have made it my mission to help YOU get there much more quickly and efficiently than I did when I was figuring all of this out!

Are you ready to feel more at ease with networking & building a great referral base?

Let’s chat.

Still have questions for me?

Please reach out, I’d love to hear from you: susannah@wellconnectedtherapist.com